Summary: The airport security team monitors every aspect of the property with high-tech equipment and accessories. Here’s a breakdown of what’s necessary for sound functionality.
Airports rely on a central security center to keep thousands of travelers safe and sound. This involves a series of efforts made by the airport to hire companies like Constant Technologies, Inc. and other A/V integrators to ensure the security team has a 360-degree angle of what’s occurring at every second.
Operational Efficiency
Airport operators must monitor all systems on a 24/7 basks. Furthermore, they’re also expected to take on a variety of missions and cases as well. With hundreds of operators on staff working on various operations center workstations, these systems require ease-of-use, flexibility, and efficiency when being used. In a nutshell, they need to be able to adapt to various operational requirements that depend on the type of situation.
Services like map-centric applications, task forwarding and voice communication, and a task-based interface allow for better situational awareness.
Another crucial factor of a security center is system availability. The security system must be on at all times. Any downtime means a significant financial impact, liability and security issues, and operational interruptions – which could wreak havoc at any moment, especially when you consider the amount of foot traffic alone. Additional features must also be implemented such as: real-time management of events, continuous recording of system events, and a backup system that will automatically turn on in the case of a power outage.
No matter how robust and effective the system is, there will always be maintenance. Airport management must be on top of this at all times and schedule maintenance tasks that will be performed on scheduled days. Neglecting this could be a huge mistake.